Bio Writing Services

For individuals, businesses and organizations

“When I was nominated for two NAWBO awards in 2015, I knew I needed help writing the applications. Cori Brett helped me by drawing out the information that was relevant and writing it clearly and concisely. I really appreciate her talent. I won one award and was named a finalist for the other one.”

~ Julie Heiland, ASID, J.Heiland Interiors

All professionals need a great bio

A bio is a short biographical sketch that gives information about an individual’s work, interests and anything else to be shared with others. Basically a bio establishes credibility and is the first step in getting an accurate sense of the person. It serves many purposes which a resume, however well done, cannot duplicate.

The right bio contains certain standard elements

Listing work experience is the first priority. It includes the position currently held as well as previous work experience when relevant. Cite any awards or special recognition received in your chosen field. Most people stumble when deciding what to mention or not mention in a bio. It all seems so relevant. But the secret to writing a good bio is saying the right things within the limited number of words allowed. That’s where a professional bio writer comes in, knowing how to make every word count.

Educational background belongs in a good bio. It tells a lot about who you are. Even continuing education or extra classes are important, because they show dedication to learning and staying current in your field. If possible, mention any certificates of achievement, awards and/or honors that speak to who you are as a person.

Community service makes the bio deeper

Community service is highly valued in a work situation. Demonstrating commitment to a worthy cause or genuine efforts on behalf of others, rescuing abandoned pets, and any sort of giving reflect well on the person and the company. Organizing team events within the company helps to build loyalty as employees pull together.

Including links to external sources can give more insight into your work. Links serve the purpose of expanding the information a bio provides without making it any longer. It’s a good idea to link to your official website.

Bios come in different shapes and forms

Bio is defined by its application

Many situations demand a professional bio, in order to establish trust in you and your work. Consider all the places you want to be seen and heard as a professional, like website and blog posts, marketing materials, speaking engagements, books and ebooks. Then you can more precisely define the audience.

There may be several separate versions of a bio for use in different situations and for different audiences. You may have a bio that is working well for business, but have been invited to sit on the Board of a charitable organization. A brand new bio would highlight your volunteer and leadership experience.

To be clear, while these are completely separate bios, each one is a variation of the Basic.


The major types of bios

Basic  – also called the “mini-bio”, approx 150 words, works well for

  • brochure or book jacket
  • company directory
  • speech introduction, live and/or featured in the event program

Basic +  – approx 200-30 words, works well for

  • About page on website
  • online profile like LinkedIn Summary

Basic ++  – approx 500-1,000 words or more, works well for

  • profile in company materials, i.e.magazine, newsletter
  • profile in industry or consumer publications

“I was delighted when Cori Brett agreed to write the Foreword for my most recent book, because I knew she was the perfect person to take this on. Her skill and commitment to understanding me and what led me to write the book made the Foreword into the personal introduction I wanted it to be. Thanks to her assistance with A Stroll on the Old Lady, we have both been rewarded with an “Outstanding Achievement” award from a highly prestigious organization within the golf industry. “

~ Taba Dale, Author

What it takes to write a great bio

“You only learn to be a better writer by actually writing.”

~ Doris Lessing

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.”

~ Richard Bach

First understanding who you are…

The ultimate goal is to create a professional, high-quality bio that will grab the attention of the people you want to know about you. First, be clear about your goals. What is the bio expected to accomplish in that direction? You may be asked to complete a questionnaire that includes factual questions as well as things like, “What do you consider your greatest achievement?” or “What is your claim to fame?”

In addition, phone and/or in-person interviews are usually conducted. They serve to draw out personal insights and reveal interesting facts, as well as a little of someone’s personality. An updated resume, website About pages, LinkedIn profiles, and any other info, like articles written about the person, all contribute to the process of understanding. Knowing what current projects are in the works brings the research up to date. I can usually complete a bio within a few days of when I receive all the materials.

Take a minute to look at your work from a different perspective. It’s not about what your work is, it’s about what you do there. Are you a banker who makes loans, or are you a professional who makes dreams come true? You make it possible for the dream of buying a home to become a reality.

…then writing for people reading your bio

It’s important to know who the audience will be, so the bio can be made to fit the purpose. Facts won’t change but the tone of the bio can be tailored to suit. Once the information-gathering process is complete, it’s time to define the most relevant points and create the best and most accurate picture for the bio. Most bios are written in the third person, that is, “he/she” instead of “I.” It’s just more professional.

What the bio will be used for helps determine its length. The shortest bios are for Twitter or Instagram and are limited to only 20-25 words. A standard bio would be 200-300 words, divided into shorter paragraphs for easy reading.

Creating a quality bio for someone is an in-depth process with many steps required to do it well. The bio is after all a public presentation and highly personal. One client told me, “You’re a mind reader—that’s exactly what I wanted to say.”